Member since: 2023

Home studio: Excel Dance Centre

Olivia Cramer-Erbes first began her dance training at Excel Dance Centre in Kalamazoo at the age of 10, in 2017. She is currently a member of both the XLR8 and Xpressions Pre-Professional programs at Excel, as well as the Performing Company. Olivia trains in every style Excel offers, but her favorites are contemporary, modern, jazz, and hip-hop. She has had the honor of working with many artists such as Tyler Muhlenkamp, Jesse Hoisington, Shelby Bensinger, Kyra Laster, Noelle DeWees, Phoebe Rohrer, Francesca Pileci, Kaitlyn Pollock, Kelsey Paschich, and Kate Myers. She is so excited for her first year with the company!